UT: Utah Passes White-Collar Felon Registry

With just a point and a click, you can browse a face book of felons, a new government website that will warn of the danger these criminals pose to society.

Only these are not the faces of sex offenders and serial killers. These criminals are mortgage schemers and inside traders, most likely armed with nothing more than an M.B.A. or a law degree. Full Article

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Yup. It happened. We knew it was just a matter of time.

Is this from The Onion??? No – the New York Times! And so it begins…

btw – let’s not be silly. There is no registry for serial killers. Nothing wrong with good old-fashioned violence. Sex and Money… sex and money… its the American way.

The registry for “all” is coming sooner rather than later.

“You’re adding one more punishment without any real showing that it’s needed,” said Susan Brune, who represents white-collar defendants at Brune & Richard in New York. “Enough already.”

It is not punishment Susan, to be on the registry!
I know because the Supreme Court tells me so.

I think it’s Good news, the more people on registries the better the chance of them being Challenged. I’ll be sure to ask my state for a white collar registry.
It’s for the Children. ha ha

Yes..thank you Susan Brune …now you know what we have known for some over twenty years…”you’re adding more punishment….”

They should not be allowed to live within 2000 feet of a bank.

We’re all “anti-registry”, so I hate to say this, but having more of these types of registries might actually turn out well for us. These people have the money, and the connections, to fight such a registry. If, at some point, SCOTUS determines that this registry (or another registry surrounding another crime) is “punishment”, then it gives us the argument to go back and say, “Wait a minute! If THAT is ‘punishment’, how is THIS not ‘punishment’?”

And will they have residency restrictions as well? 2,000 feet from all banks, financial institutions, or any location where dollars tend to congregate!?
If even one greenback is protected, then clearly the WCF Registry is worth it!
I’m feeling safer (wall safe, floor safe, bank safe) already! LMAO!
I agree with Stephen – the more registries, the merrier …. and the sooner registries will be defeated altogether.

Yep restrictions and regulations for all on thus new registry. No bank accounts no working in any finaincialy connected career. All kinds of restrictions could be attached to this registry.

Welcome to the country of registries, if you haven’t found what it is your looking for let us know and we will create it for you no proof needed nor will we ask questions.

Where are they going to find all the law enforcement personnel to do compliance checks on the registered community that grows daily? Well looks like in the new economy about half of the people will end up slaves to their past and find nothing but menial jobs at low pay. The other half will find jobs monitoring these people. It’s a fascist utopia.

Hmm…here we go again. I can’t understand how people in this country became so dumbstruck. This is obviously being done without a pilot test run and I’m sure nobody is asking any proponents to back-up what they are saying with facts and statistics, empirical evidence, etc.

I’m amazed; the “sex offender” registry and all of the laws combined never have done anything to deter “sex crimes” (peeing on a wall, molesting someone, etc) and there is not one documented and verifiable instance of the “sex offender” registry ever preventing a crime or saving “just one child,” let alone anyone. Yet here the witch burning lynch mob go again.

I mean this is getting really stupid now; white collar? I’ll bet those Wall Street shysters will never be listed. This is ass backward and upside down. I might be able to understand if this new registry was for drunk drivers, armed robbers, murderers, burglars, drug dealers, gang members, hardcore skin heads and the like. Those people pushing for this are laughable.

The more registries for all crimes will put people to walk in our shoes ..they too will be challenging their punitive conditions …their double jeopardy restrictions ..their involuntary servitude and more……case law will be set to domino these punitive registries….believe that.

Sometime within the past two years, I had an opportunity to talk to an executive producer at a broadcast media organization and said “At some point, everyone is going to be registered.” He agreed with me completely. Between government sponsored health care, expansion of the SO registry and the increasing Federalization of many programs, the domino effect is in progress.

We need to stop f’ing around and creating one new Registry at a time. One nationwide Registry needs to be created IMMEDIATELY that gives the personal information of ALL people who have been convicted of any significant crime.

The Registry should have a full history of the person. It would include all information that the Sex Offender Registries contain today (and more information can be required later). If any of their information changed, a Registered person would be required to visit a government office and update it. They would also be required to visit that office at least once per year to verify the information, have a photograph taken, and be fingerprinted.

With one Registry, a person would not have to check multiple Registries to check a person out. Think of how great it would be to go to a single nationwide website, be able to put in a person’s name, and find out where they are living, working, attending school, and what their latest crimes are. It would be perfect.

How is it even conceivable that we have a national Sex Offender Registry and do not have a national Gun Offender Registry? A national Arson Registry? A national Drunk Driver Registry? A national “I lived next to a school and blew up my house cooking meth” Registry?

It is UNBELIEVABLE that those Registries don’t exist. It makes me think that people are not ACTUALLY serious about protecting children.

I have a right to know if my neighbor has committed a crime. I have a right to protect my family. If it saves one child, it’s worth it.

Create the national Registry or eliminate the rest of the Registries. It must be one or the other.

There is no constitutional right to know other peoples criminal background or other personal info but there is a constitutional right to privacy. I realy hope that these registries and killings by cops and corruption in our systems get reformed or there is going to be violence in the streets just like a lot if the rest of the world. I have a son and grandson that are going to be affected by all the unrest in our country.

Moderator – good new features!
Spell-check and edit/delete!
Thanks for these new options!

Yep I like the new feature.

The registries have begun. All over America it will soon be US/registrants against them/non-registrants.

A few states have also created separate online registries for crimes other than sex offenses. Montana, for example, has a publicly accessible violent offender registry that includes crimes such as aggravated assault, robbery, assaulting a peace officer, both deliberate and non-deliberate homicide and a third conviction for domestic violence. Kansas has publicly accessible registries of people convicted of both serious drug offenses and people convicted of crimes involving a weapon. Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Montana all have publicly accessible registries for those convicted of murder. Florida requires all felons, regardless of the crime, to register with law enforcement for 5 years after release, although the Florida felon registry is not available to the general public. If a felon in Florida is convicted of enough non-sexual felonies in a certain period of time, however, they are required to register for the rest of their life on a “Habitual Offender” registry that is available to the general public. Ohio even has a publicly accessible registry for people convicted 5 or more times of drunken driving.

In 2014, a murder registry was proposed in Rhode Island and an animal abuser registry was proposed in Pennsylvania. A bill to create a publicly accessible registry for domestic violence offenders passed the Texas House of Representatives in 2013, but was not voted on in the Texas Senate.

We need a drunk driver registration!

Bluewall, I absolutely agree that a DUI registration would be a good idea.
1. Drunk drivers have a very high recidivism rate – even 10 years after conviction.
2. Don’t you want to know if the parent picking up the kids after soccer practice had a DUI?
3. If all the DUIs were forced onto a registry, then people would be screaming themselves horse about civil rights and the Constitution!